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In Cinema Commercials

These commercials can be from 15 seconds to 3 minutes. Displayed on the 60 feet screen, it is a very effective form of targeting the desirable audience. These can be screened pre-movie or during interval.

Standees/Banners/Canopies/Product Display Stalls & Counters

Space can be offered inside & outside the cinema premises for doing direct branding. These can be:

 One Standy / Small Banner (Inside the cinema hall/Parking Exit Area)
 One Standy / Small Banner (Balcony Exit Staircase)
 One Banner (Outside the cinema hall)(not more than 200 sq. ft.)
 One Counter / Product display Stall (Inside the cinema hall)
 One Counter / Product display Stall (Outside the cinema hall)

Auditorium Hire

With a huge seating capacity, you can hire the air conditioned auditorium for events. So what are you waiting for! Meetings, programs, launch, etc. along with videos, graphics and PowerPoint presentations which never looked so good on big screen before. (Preferable Time slot: Morning)

*All publicity material needs to be supplied by the party at the cinema premises.